Calmar Secondary School


  • Black Gold nominee wins ASBA Friends of Education Award

    Posted on    Posted in BGSD, Black Gold School Division, Board, Calmar Secondary School, Featured, General, Media Release

    Manluk representatives Felix Fanta and Erica Cardinal with the 2024 Friends of Education Award. Board Vice Chair Angie Charpentier (left) and Trustee Devonna Klaassen (in yellow) and other show their support.

    The Black Gold School Division is proud to congratulate Wetaskiwin-based Manluk Global Manufacturing Solutions, our nominee for the 2024 Alberta School Boards Association’s Friends of Education Award for Zone 2 /3, for winning this prestigious award.

    “Manluk’s support has allowed our students to gain the skills they need to become better at their chosen skilled trade, and their participation in the competitions helps them hone their skills as they pursue meaningful careers in the skilled trades,” said Board Chair Esther Eckert.

    Since 2019, Manluk has been a friend and partner to Black Gold through their sponsorship of the machining program at Calmar Secondary School. They are helping to foster high-quality skills education through their financial support and encouragement, providing supplies of essential tools and materials for our students to practice on, and hiring the program students for work in the summer.

    The company also provides monetary donations to support students and coaches in attending and competing in provincial and national skills competitions. “Thanks to Manluk’s generosity, Calmar students have gone on to win 22 provincial medals, 9 national medals, and one student has competed internationally at the WorldSkills competition,” said Vice Chair Angie Charpentier.

    Calmar Secondary School students and staff show their appreciation for Manluk’s support and encouragement.

    “The impact Manluk has had on Calmar Secondary is evident the moment you walk into the school,” said Ward 2 Trustee Devonna Klaassen. “Banners fly in the common area to honour students who have placed in competitions, and the school enjoys a reputation of excellence in skills training.”

    Manluk’s ongoing commitment to the Calmar Secondary’s machining program is for education’s sake – they operate with passion and foster positive relationships that support and improve student-centred learning. Black Gold is honoured and proud to have them as a partner and friend of education.

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